November 2, 2011

first classmate birthday party

Kiera attended her first birthday party for a classmate.  Oh but so did I.  Not my ideal situation, being in a room full of strangers.  Since I am really really really shy in those situations.  Luckily there was mom there who likes to talk to people so she struck up a conversation with me and eventually she got another mom to join in on the conversation.  There were a few more alone and awkward moments for me but whatever.  I lived.  Kiera of course ran right up and played with the other kids.  I can learn a lot from her.

Picture of the present courtesy of Kiera.  Monster High doll since that was what the invitation was.

Up first was a game where the kids had to put an Oreo on their forehead and wiggle it down and catch it in your mouth.  If you dropped it you had to start over.  Then they had the adults do it.  Apparently a few of us missed the memo.  What is even better is that I won.  I am seriously good at winning stupid kinds of games like that.  Competitive Ashley comes out to play and shy Ashley is thrown out the window.        

Present time
 Birthday girl in the middle and the classmates who attended.

 They grilled out hotdogs and had a huge bonfire where we made Smores.

Then they brought out the pudding cups and we sang Happy Birthday.

 Kiera had a blast and threw a small fit and tried to refuse to leave until I told her bye and walked off.  That got her moving.  This was her first party I have had to endure with her and it won't be the last. 

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